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  • 胰島素訊息傳遞之分子調控機制

  • 胰島素增敏藥物TZDs(糖尿病患用藥)之分子作用機制

  • 脂肪細胞分泌之分子機制與調控

  • 脂肪細胞與其他組織或器官之間的交互作用


   Obesity is a well-described epidemic in the westernized countries including Taiwan. It has been linked to a variety of adverse health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and certain cancer. Obesity is characterized as the increase of body adipose (fat tissue) mass, which can be due to the enlargement of adipocyte (fat cell), the primary cell type in the adipose tissue. The enlargement of adipocyte (hypertrophy) has been linked to its abnormal function. Under the normal condition, the biological function of adipocytes is under the regulation of hormones, neuronal stimuli, and the nutrients. Insulin, the hormone secreted from pancreas, regulates adipocyte function by promoting glucose uptake and lipogenesis, and suppressing lipolysis, therefore regulates lipid and glucose homeostasis. The adipocytes were once considered only the place to store excess fat. However the discovery of many important adipocyte-secreted factors that regulate the whole-body physiology makes the researchers reconsider the adipose tissue as an endocrine organ. Among the secreted factors are peptide hormones (named adipokines) and lipokines, which can regulate the physiology and function of other tissues. Without the adipose tissue, excess fat will be stored in other tissues such as muscle and liver, leading to malfunction of these tissues. Moreover, the lack of adipose tissue also results in the absence of adipokines normally secreted by adipocytes, leading to abnormal regulation of other tissues. Therefore, the understanding of the biological function and regulation of adipocytes will not only provide information on the mechanism by which the adipose tissue regulates body metabolism, but also the therapeutic methods in treating diseases.


We will use 3T3-L1 adipocytes, primary adipocyte culture, and the animal model to address the following questions:

  • Molecular mechanism of insulin signaling and insulin action in adipocytes

  • Molecular mechanism of the insulin-sensitizing drug thiazolidinediones (TZDs) in adipocytes

  • Molecular mechanism and regulation of adipokine secretion

  • The interaction of adipocytes and other tissues

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